6 easy self-care routines to add on your calendar

You have a busy life. You’re juggling work, relationships, your health, and your hobbies. So, when was the last time you remembered to check in on yourself? With a full calendar, it’s not always easy to schedule that “me time,” but it’s one of the single most important things you can do to maintain your mental health. So often, we put the needs of others before our own, so we want to help you get excited about self-care again.
Here are some of our favorite self-care ideas. Grab any favorites and add them to your calendar so you don’t miss out on feeling your best.
Get Some Sun

This one is so simple but proven to make you feel fantastic. Vitamin D is your best friend, and the great outdoors has it in abundance. It’s known as the happy hormone and can play an essential role in regulating your mood. Even just a little bit of sun each day can give you that little extra mood boost you need during a stressful workday. Try taking a 15-minute walk or bask in the sun with a good book to really turn your mood around. It’s so great to take breaks during the day, especially if you’re working on stressful tasks. Step into the sun and savor every moment of it, so you feel recharged before getting back to business.
Pamper Yourself

This one is so important. We often feel like we can only pamper ourselves if we’ve “worked for it,” but what does that even mean? You’re overcoming challenges daily and working your best to live your best life; you’ve definitely been putting in the work! Pampering yourself can include a face mask and a bath bomb like you see on Instagram, but it can also be anything you want it to be. Treating yourself looks different to so many people, so find your thing. Maybe you really like going to the movies but never make the time to go. Or the idea of buying a brand new book, and heading to your favorite local coffee shop to just sink into the chair is your idea of pure bliss. Whatever it is, you deserve it. Give yourself the spa day you’ve been craving, and don’t hold back on making yourself feel appreciated.
Sleep In

In any given week, you’ve got a million things you want to do and just don’t have enough time to do them. Unfortunately, we often sacrifice sleep to try and cram more into our schedules. The truth is, you’re not yourself when you’re tired, and it can even make those fun activities not seem quite as fantastic when you’re feeling exhausted. At least once a week, try to have a day where you don’t set the alarm. Allowing yourself to catch up on sleep is such an invaluable treat for your body and mind. There’s something magical about waking up with the sun. Savor the moment of slowly waking up and feel grateful that you aren’t in a rush for once. Take the morning slow and take the time to enjoy how good it feels to be well-rested.

Regular mediation is one of the pillars of self-care. It’s so important to check in with your body and your mental health, but both of those are challenging when you never take a moment to slow down. It might feel a little strange at first to try and sit quietly and reflect on how you feel. Your mind might get clouded with your to-do list or things you’re anxious about, which is why we recommend guided meditation. It’s a great way to stay in the moment and really focus on listening to your body. Regular meditation can bring balance to your life and help you to identify how you’re really feeling and where you might need to make changes. In the moment, you can enjoy the sense of calm and balance that comes with the soothing breathing patterns, but the benefits don’t end there. Meditating can help you to carry yourself more calmly throughout the day, and you might find yourself handling situations with more grace than you had in the past.
Trade-In The Screen Time For Friend Time

It’s not uncommon for people to spend more time texting their friends than actually spending time with them. Throughout the week, you keep up with your friends through text and social media, so it feels like you’ve spent time with them. In reality, nothing can replace quality time. You’d be surprised how many hours a week you lose by scrolling through your cell phone. This hurts the amount of time you can spend making meaningful connections with your friends. It can also make you feel like you’re just not doing enough, making you feel like you’re missing out. Try to have at least a four-hour period each week where you leave the phone on Do Not Disturb and schedule some time with a friend you haven’t seen in a while. No amount of scrolling or YouTube videos can replace those belly laughs you share with your bestie.
Impromptu Dance Party

Moving your body for at least 30 minutes a day can lead to a healthy body and a clear mind. Well, why not make it more fun! Put on your favorite happy music and dance around your bedroom. Rock out, sing at the top of your lungs, and just feel the stress of your day melt away. It’s so incredibly freeing to just lose yourself in your favorite music, and it’s also a heck of a lot of fun.
Self-care is so important, and we honestly hope you can start to make time for yourself again. Even just an hour of “me time” each week can make you feel refreshed, and you’ll feel so happy that you took the time to do it. Find the self-care routine that works for you and really try to make time for it. You’ll never regret the time you spent showing yourself some love. You deserve it.