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welcome to bimble life

Bimble Life by definition

Bimble (noun)
a leisurely walk or journey.

Life (noun)
a way or manner of living

A simple Reminder

Reminding millions to
slow down and
take a pause

At Bimble Life, we realize how difficult it is to slow down when you are juggling a zillion tasks. Our goal is to gently remind you to slow down, focus on what is really important, and let go of the rest of your worries-enabling you to pause between tasks and go about your day at a more leisurely pace.

This Is Our Passion

We all have our passions and struggles in life, as well as deadlines to meet and plates to fill. As a result, we often bite more than we can chew, leading to unbearable exhaustion and frustration.

When our passion is burning us out, the only option seems to be to give up and find peace. But we know there’s a better way to deal with our struggles, and keep chasing our dreams. 

Here at Bimble Life, our goal is to share what we’ve learned about slowing down in life and focusing on the things that are really important to you.

Bimble Life Recipes Icon
Bimble Life Self-Care Icon
Bimble Life Gardening Tips Icon
Gardening Tips
Bimble Life DIY Icon
DIY Projects
Bimble Life Party Ideas Icon
Party Ideas
Bimble Life Everyday Tips Icon
Abi and Kaush on the road.

Welcome to BimbleLife.com. Bimble Life was founded by serial entrepreneur and creative, Abi Isa Lee and expert hiker and data scientist, Kaush Nehe.

How we started

When Abi and Kaush bought their first home together about three years ago, it didn’t take long for their house to turn into a project studio, thanks to the couple’s never-ending list of DIY home improvement ideas, which included backyard landscaping, dining table chandelier, interior wall painting, furniture painting, home library, art gallery wall, and so on.

Abi wanted to share their DIY projects with more people, so she created Crafts-Women.com blog in 2019. She began collaborating with other crafters and makers, and the site rapidly grew into a global community platform where creatives and entrepreneurs can share their expertise and their brand stories.

As Crafts-Women.com blog was expanding beyond Abi’s personal creative outlet, Abi and Kaush’s home projects continued, and they got to spent more time together at home due to the pandemic.

They explored more fun project ideas, new recipes, and making decisions together as a couple over the last couple of years, which taught them to enjoy and appreciate the simple things in life. More importantly, they realized that our most cherished passions can burn us if we don’t know when to take a break and recharge.

So, they wanted to share the things they learned and enjoy including self-care tips, fun date night ideas, easy DIY home projects, relationship stories, creative recipes, camping trip ideas, and so on. So, the BimbleLife.com was born in 2022 and became the perfect creative outlet for them.

While Abi and Kaush share a wide range of topics here on Bimble Life, they hope that this space will evolve into a place where people from all over the word can come to for a daily dose of inspiration and fun ideas to try at home.