The most simple and enjoyable way of making foot soaks at home to help you take a break from your busy day, and give yourself the attention you deserve.

The Best DIY Foot Soak For Sore Feet

Lavender foot soak in a burlap bag
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by

Today, we’re making Lavender & Mint Foot Soak with our very first guest expert, Gail Todd, from Man In The Moon Herbs. Gail is a herbalist creating affordable aromatherapy and environmentally friendly products for everyday use.

I was inspired by Gail’s blog post about making lavender bath bags, I wanted to take the idea and make foot soaks. So I asked her about tips & advice and invited her to share her expertise with our readers on

This is the most simple and enjoyable way of making something that helps you sit back, take a break from your busy day, and give yourself the attention you deserve. This also makes a great gift for anyone who’s always on their feet!

Continue reading and find some valuable information Gail shares about Lavender Foot Soaks and safety tips!

Lavender Buds & Muslin Bags from Man In The Moon Herbs

A bag of lavender buds and a stack of small burlap bags
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by

Key Ingredients and supplies I used in this project:

1. Add 2 cups of Epsom salts or 1 cup of Epsom Salts + 1 cup of Sea Salts.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t normally use measuring cups when I cook. But I’ve learned my lessons after many failed attempts of making candles and soaps without accurately measuring my ingredients. So here I am using a measuring cup to add 2 cups of Epsom salts into a mixing bowl. I’m in love with my new measuring cups by the way. 🙂

A gold plated measuring cup on pink background
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by
Pouring Epsom salt to a ceramic bowl
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by

2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of lavender buds.

Once again, I’m using a measuring spoon to add 3 tablespoons of lavender buds into the mixing bowl. Confession! I’m being extra good today because I just love using my new measuring cups & spoons! — This is not an AD 😉

A bowl of lavender buds and Epsom salt with a gold measuring spoon
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by
Adding lavender buds to a bowl of Epsom salt
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by

3. Add 5-6 drops of peppermint essential oil.

Gail suggested adding 5-6 drops of peppermint essential oil when making foot soaks to give that extra kick of freshness. Also, you can mix peppermint and lemon essential oils together which will help you relieve stress.

Adding essential oil to a bowl of lavender foot soak
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by

4. Mix all ingredients well together.

Stirring lavender buds with Epsom salt in a bowl
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by

5. Pack them in muslin bags.

Get your muslin bags out and ready, and start packing them with your foot soaks.

A bowl of lavender foot soak with bamboo scoop
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by
Scooping lavender foot soak with a bamboo salt scoop
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by

6. Pull the drawstring & tighten it.

You can put as much as you want. I filled up each muslin bag with 1/2 cup of foot soaks so I can make four bags total.

A small burlap bag on pink background
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by

7. Gift wrap it!

Gail suggested gift wrapping them with a gift tag or ribbon if you’re making these lovelies for someone special. They came out perfect and the aroma is just WONDERFUL, and I decided to send two of these to my brother and his lovely fiance. So I went ahead and made gift tags using the tag punch and put the bags in a clear cello bag. I think they’ll love it!

A burlap bag with glossy green gift tag
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by
A couple of burlap bags with gift tags
Image by Abi Isa Lee | DIY Project by

Q & A with a creative crafts-woman

Gail Todd, Herbalist at Man In The Moon Herbs


Crafts-Women (CW): What makes this foot soaks a great gift?

Gail (G): It makes a great gift because who carries you around all day and mostly without complaint? Your feet! Without them, our butts would have way more to complain about because we’d be sitting on them more : D


CW: What’s the best way for the gift recipients to store their foot soaks?

G: They should be stored in a cool, dry place in an airtight container. Salt attracts moisture from the air.


CW: What’s the ideal temperature for foot soaks? And how much water do we need?

G: The water should be comfortably warm, not too hot. Fill your bathtub or a basin with warm water until it’s deep enough to cover your feet.


CW: How long should we soak our feet?

G: About 10 to 15 minutes while the water is still warm. Dry thoroughly after the soak, and then moisturize the feet.


CW: Gail, thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to share your expertise with our creative crafts-women. It was a fun and easy-to-follow project. Do you have anything else you’d like to share with us today?

G: Thanks for inviting me to share my ideas with crafts-women readers. I enjoy sharing my love for nature and encouraging others to be in touch with nature, just like how my Grandma taught me when I was a little girl. It was a wonderful experience collaborating with you on this project.

Before I go, I’d like to share some safety tips with everyone. Although Epsom foot soak is safe for most people, it’s always good to know about any possible health risks.

Safety Tips:

  • Be sure to use Epsom salts and other ingredients intended for human use.

  • Ensure the water is at the correct temperature before submerging your feet.

  • Don’t use a razor or scraper to remove dead skin.

  • Use smaller amounts of ingredients if you have very dry or sensitive skin.

  • Avoid foot soaks if you have any open sores, cuts, or ulcers on your feet.

  • For most people, an Epsom foot soak is safe. But if you take any medications or have any health concerns, talk to your healthcare provider before using.

  • Foot soaks of any type are not safe for people who have diabetes due to the increased risk of infection.

  • Don’t use peppermint oil if you are pregnant or you have high blood pressure.


As a courtesy to our readers, and its collaborating experts provide access to our library of archived content. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other trained practitioners.


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